The week's wrap-up...
It was pretty cold this week for September for Marylanders; the day after our 37-degree morning, I caught some frost on the front lawn as I hiked out to get the newspaper:
I'm sure they handle the cold just fine, but Fargoans aren't quite as water-resistant as we had thought. The Red River Soccer Club warned us early on that they would only cancel games if lightning were actually striking the goalposts on our child's specific field. (More or less.)
But here we sit this morning with all the games postponed because it's been raining for the past few days. Our pal Brian, in town to interview for his own circuit clerkship, scheduled a late flight out just so he could catch a few of the kids' games tonight. No dice.
The two career clerks I work with are devoted to a Cajun restaurant that used to be downtown and recently moved to the south side of the city, most of the way back to our house:
This reminds me of the proverbial talking dog: it's not so much what the dog has to say, it's more that the dog can talk at all that is amazing. This restaurant can talk po' boy and boudin, but perhaps with more of a Midwest accent than a New Orleanian might find ideal – they also talk beer-cheese soup at the soup and sandwich bar.
Walking back to the courthouse from lunch the other day, I took a good, close look at this sign:
That's a nice, friendly edit on the bottom line there.
I'm headed to St. Louis Sunday night to accompany Fargo's active circuit judge and his staff to hear arguments in the cases we've been working on for the past month, and will be there until Friday night. There's a court dinner one night, and we're going to catch a Cardinals game another evening. Should be fun.
I'm sure they handle the cold just fine, but Fargoans aren't quite as water-resistant as we had thought. The Red River Soccer Club warned us early on that they would only cancel games if lightning were actually striking the goalposts on our child's specific field. (More or less.)
But here we sit this morning with all the games postponed because it's been raining for the past few days. Our pal Brian, in town to interview for his own circuit clerkship, scheduled a late flight out just so he could catch a few of the kids' games tonight. No dice.
The two career clerks I work with are devoted to a Cajun restaurant that used to be downtown and recently moved to the south side of the city, most of the way back to our house:
This reminds me of the proverbial talking dog: it's not so much what the dog has to say, it's more that the dog can talk at all that is amazing. This restaurant can talk po' boy and boudin, but perhaps with more of a Midwest accent than a New Orleanian might find ideal – they also talk beer-cheese soup at the soup and sandwich bar.
Walking back to the courthouse from lunch the other day, I took a good, close look at this sign:
That's a nice, friendly edit on the bottom line there.
I'm headed to St. Louis Sunday night to accompany Fargo's active circuit judge and his staff to hear arguments in the cases we've been working on for the past month, and will be there until Friday night. There's a court dinner one night, and we're going to catch a Cardinals game another evening. Should be fun.