Mmm.... burger... D'oh!
I described the burger and setting to Jen in some detail when I returned home. But last week, while combing the Net for real-estate listings, she came across this article in the local paper, the In-Forum: "Great Northern’s closure leaves barrels of beer, building in limbo." Arrrgh. Yes, I guess $14,000 a month in heating costs can eat into profits. Perhaps the owners -- two or three owners back -- who refitted the train station as a restaurant shouldn't have made it quite so sunny inside.
Tom, these posts are a good beginning. Let me play Patricia Arquette, here, and channel what the final post might look like:
"Cold ... so very cold ... why, O, why did I waste my time tuning into Air America? And now it turns out Rush and George Will were right all along. There is no global warming! It was all a liberal plot! In fact, the world has, as anyone who survives to read this already knows, gotten colder! It was minus 117 Fahrenheit here in Fargo last night. Provisions ran out weeks ago. I'm not proud of what we've had to do to survive thus far. Let me just put it this way ... I had always heard both from the people who liked my Judge and those who opposed him that he was a 'tough judge' ... they don't know the half of it - not till they've tried to choke down some of the meat from his shanks. Had to marinate it for two full days in my last six-pack of lager. Still, it went well with the dark ale I have left. Many people ask: Was my judge Liberal or Conservative? To his ever-lasting credit, he, I can now say, certainly tasted nonpartisan. And he fed me and my family for a full week. What higher praise can I offer."
Here the final blog entry fragment ends. Godspeed, Moore family! May all of your future cannibal meals be tender ones!
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